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Call in Gardaí, levy bank profits and stop banker’s bonuses until mortgage interest overcharging sorted say Social Democrats

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD today urged the Government and Central Bank to call in the Gardaí to investigate the conduct of bankers in the overcharging of tracker mortgages. Speaking today, Deputy Murphy said: “This seems to me nothing short of thievery. In any other such circumstances you would expect the Gardaí to be […]

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Time has come for a Directly Elected Mayor for Dublin

Following the recent announcement by the government that it intends to hold a plebiscite on Directly Elected Mayors for cities, Social Democrats Councillor Cian O’Callaghan said: “I’m a strong supporter of a Directly Elected Mayor for Dublin – I was the only councillor in Fingal County Council to speak in favour of this proposal when […]

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Limits on tax relief for high-end pensions would fund reversal of unfair cuts in State pensions for women

The Government has been accused of double standards by Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD over its refusal to reverse the unfair 2012 cuts affecting state pensions for women. Speaking ahead of a Dáil debate tonight, Deputy Shortall said: “The changes to state pension introduced in 2012 have resulted in an estimated 36,000 people, mainly […]

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Give C&AG scrutiny of Irish Water accounts say Social Democrats

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy has today urged Government to accept an amendment tabled by her to the Water Bill 2017. The amendment seeks to make Irish Water answerable to the Comptroller and Auditor General regarding its finances. Deputy Murphy has received a reply to a parliamentary question which indicates that a subvention of €753 […]

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Róisín Shortall TD welcomes early steps in implementation of Sláintecare health reform plan

Social Democrats joint leader Róisín Shortall TD has welcomed the announcement that Mr Donal de Buitléir will chair an expert group to examine the impact of separating private practice from the public hospital system, as recommended in the Sláintecare health reform plan. Deputy Shortall, who chaired the cross-party Oireachtas committee which produced the Sláintecare report, […]

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Expert group on separating private practice from public hospital system needs clear mandate and independence

Any group set up to examine the impact of separating private practice from the public hospital system must be fully independent and free from conflicts of interest, Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD cautioned today. Deputy Shortall was speaking as the Cabinet meets in Cork to discuss the Sláintecare blueprint for a reformed public health […]

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Minister cries crocodile tears while women lose out on pensions payments

The Social Democrats have accused the Finance Minister of crying crocodile tears while failing to address punitive rules that mean tens of thousands of women are losing out on pensions payments. The party’s joint leader Róisín Shortall TD said today: “The Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe has admitted it is ‘bonkers and unbelievable’ that women […]

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Budget 2018 a disappointment to anyone who places a high value on education

The budget silence on removing primary school costs and on the rapidly escalating costs of going to third level means ever reducing chances of people fulfilling their education potential, according to the Social Democrats. Responding to today’s Budget announcement, Councillor Gary Gannon, Spokesperson on Education Equality and Access said: “Access to higher and further education […]

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Budget 2018 is another missed opportunity to support childcare choices for parents

Despite the commitments in the Programme for Government to increase paid parental leave, broaden parental choice and increase supports for stay at home parents, there is nothing in Budget 2018 for children not in formal childcare, according to the Social Democrats. Speaking after today’s Budget announcement, Councillor Jennifer Whitmore, Spokesperson on Children, said: “The reality […]

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Budget 2018 will prolong the housing emergency

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has described Budget 2018 as a Budget of squandered opportunities in so many ways but in particular on addressing the housing emergency. She said there are lots of carrots but very few sticks, for example the Vacant Land Levy announced is still less than land price inflation. Deputy Murphy […]

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Government must urgently review ludicrous disparities in VAT rates on essential products

Anne-Marie McNally, the Social Democrats candidate for Dublin Mid-West, has called on the Government to avail of EU review procedures to change our VAT rates on certain products. Ms McNally highlighted some inexplicable discrepancies in the VAT rate attached to similar products such as adult crash helmets and children’s crash helmets. Children’s helmets are charged […]

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