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‘Public transport system creaking under pressure’ – Catherine Murphy

Catherine Murphy, Co-Leader of the Social Democrats has said that recent parliamentary replies to her and many contacts from the public has confirmed that there are significant capacity issues across our entire public transport system. Deputy Murphy said that while the replies received by her detail investment in the heavy rail network, it is clear […]

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Playing down of homelessness crisis is an insult to decency

The playing down of our homelessness crisis by the Taoiseach and the chair of the Housing Agency is an insult to every adult and child living in emergency accommodation today, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said. Deputy Murphy said: “Recent remarks by the Taoiseach and the chair of the Housing Agency seek to […]

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Ministerial direction overrules local voices

Catherine Murphy TD has said the recent decision by Minister Damien English to overrule local councillors in respect of the Celbridge Plan will be met by huge anger locally. The Ministerial direction effectively rezones part of Donaghcumper Demesne for a town centre extension,  it includes 150 residential units linked by a pedestrian bridge.  The proposal […]

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Lack of integrity of hospital waiting lists must be urgently addressed

Responding to this morning’s reports of significant delays uncovered by a National Treatment Purchase Fund audit of hospital waiting lists, co-leader of the Social Democrats Róisín Shortall has said: “It is bad enough that there are now 685,000 people on public waiting lists for hospital services but the news this morning that these lists cannot […]

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Cork Social Democrats host members’ ‘Think In’

The Social Democrats are hosting a Think-In for members in Cork city this weekend as part of the party’s preparation for the next General Election. The event brings together Social Democrats members from around the country to discuss the policies and politics underpinning its social democratic vision and how we can best bring that unique […]

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Housing Minister’s proposal for self-certification by landlords is delusional

The statement by Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy T.D. in the Dáil last night that he favours a system of self-certification by landlords with respect to overcrowding, fire safety and housing standards demonstrates that he has learned little from the failures of recent years, Social Democrats spokesperson on housing quality and standards councillor Cian O’Callaghan […]

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Government changes to tax rules facilitated massive tax breaks for Apple

In the wake of the Paradise Papers revelations about global tax avoidance, Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD criticised the government’s role in facilitating massive tax breaks for Apple. Speaking during Leaders’ Questions in the Dáil today, Deputy Shortall said: “The theme running though the Paradise Papers is the relentless quest of the wealthy and […]

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Government must breach EU fiscal rules to fund building of more homes

The projected €3 billion Government spend in rent subsidies over the next five years represents an unsustainable approach to solving the housing crisis, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD said today. Deputy Murphy said: “Official projections show that the Government will spend some €535 million on rent support programmes this year for lower-income families in […]

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Paradise Papers highlight moral bankruptcy at heart of banking system

The revelations in the leaked ‘Paradise Papers’ that AIB’s offshore arm continued to facilitate tax avoidance after it was bailed out by the public highlight the extent of the moral bankruptcy at the heart of the Irish banking system, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said. Deputy Murphy said: “It is galling in the […]

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Dublin City Chief Executive ignores fire safety concerns

Social Democrats spokesperson on housing quality and building standards Councillor Cian O’Callaghan said: “The failure of Dublin City Council and other local Councils to enforce minimum standards in the private rental sector as exposed in last night’s RTÉ Prime Time should come as no surprise. Local authorities have a very poor track record when it […]

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Time for some maturity around bonfires – Ó Maoláin

In light of another year of uncontrolled and illegal bonfires across the city and country this Halloween Aengus Ó Maoláin, Social Democrats representative for Castleknock and Blanchardstown has called for new thinking on bonfire regulations around halloween time. Ó Maoláin said: “This year saw yet again an increase in the number of call outs by […]

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We need to start treating reproductive and sexual health as a priority

Social Democrats Political Director Anne-Marie McNally has said she is outraged but not surprised at reports today that maternal health services in Ireland are so sorely lacking in resources that many pregnant people are being denied basic scans in pregnancy that can ensure safe maternal care, healthy pregnancies where possible and allow for parents to […]

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