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Record levels of hospital overcrowding predictable

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD has described today’s record high levels of hospital overcrowding as disgraceful, predictable and avoidable. Deputy Shortall was commenting on figures from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation which show that the number of people on trolleys and wards awaiting hospital beds has risen to a new high of 677. […]

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Galway Councils must learn from major floods

After a night of distributing and stacking donated sandbags to Galway residents and businesses, Social Democrats candidate Niall Ó Tuathail, says Galway Councils were “simply not good enough” and “need to learn from this for future floods”. Following damaging Tuesday evening floods, there were worries of further flooding during the high tide at 5.30a.m. on […]

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Scrap rent pressure zones in favour of nationwide rent caps

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said rent pressure zones have failed to prevent soaring rental prices driving more people into homelessness and must now be scrapped and replaced with nationwide rent caps. Deputy Murphy was commenting on data from the Residential Tenancies Board released today which shows that the average rent of new […]

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Social Democrats call on government to act on repeal of 8th

The Social Democrats have called on the government to commit to the publication early next year of a referendum bill to give effect to the recommendations of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment. The party’s co-leader Catherine Murphy TD was a member of the cross-party committee which deliberated for 13 weeks and considered […]

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Council plans for proceeds of Magdalene Laundry sale add insult to injury

Social Democrats Councillor Gary Gannon has accused Dublin City Council of adding insult to injury by making the funding of a major redevelopment project already promised for Dublin’s north east inner city contingent on the sale of the former Magdalene Laundry on Sean McDermott Street. Councillor Gannon said: “The deputy chief executive of Dublin City […]

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Ryanair and unions must meet to begin collective bargaining process

The Social Democrats have urged Ryanair to meet with the Irish pilots’ union Impact as soon as possible to ensure that progress can be made in relation to the ongoing industrial dispute. The party’s co-leader Catherine Murphy TD said: “Ryanair’s statement today that it intends to recognise trade unions is potentially a very significant one […]

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Social Democrats warmly welcome Eighth Committee recommendations

The Social Democrats have warmly welcomed the recommendations of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment to repeal the Constitutional ban on abortion and legislate for termination without restriction up to 12 weeks. Party co-leader Catherine Murphy TD, who is a member of the committee, said: “The Committee’s recommendations are a very significant and […]

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External inquiry into missing McCabe emails must provide straight answers

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD has said the barrister-led inquiry into why crucial emails were not sent by the Department of Justice to the Charleton Tribunal must be comprehensive and must provide straight answers to the many outstanding questions. Deputy Shortall said: “I welcome the appointment tonight of senior counsel Michael Collins to lead […]

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Retirement age must be raised for private sector workers also

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD has welcomed the government’s move to raise the compulsory retirement age for public sector workers to 70 – but called for the same flexibility to also apply to private sector employees. Deputy Shortall said: “Many people in their late sixties are valuable members of the workforce, whether they work […]

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Magdalene Laundry site must be preserved as centre for remembrance

Plans by Dublin City Council to sell the last remaining Magdalene Laundry site to an international hotel chain show utter disregard for the suffering of women who deserve to be properly commemorated by the State, Social Democrats Councillor Gary Gannon has said. Councillor Gannon said the site of the former convent on Sean McDermott Street […]

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Clear steps needed to end inequality in access to college

Social Democrats spokesperson on Education Equality and Access, Gary Gannon, has said clear steps must be taken to end our two-tier education system which means privately educated young people have greater access to college. Commenting on the publication today of The Irish Times league tables, Councillor Gannon said: “It’s no surprise to see that fee-paying […]

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