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Exodus of landlords underlines urgent need to regulate short-term lets

Landlords are leaving the rental market in their droves, with 43,000 properties lost in five years The mass exodus of landlords from the rental market further highlights the urgent need for regulation of short-term letting platforms, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s spokesperson on Housing, said: “Reports today […]

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Children With Additional Needs In Emergency Accommodation Should Not Be Moved At Short Notice

The Department of Children cannot adopt a ‘one-size fits all’ approach to the refugee crisis Children with additional needs living in emergency accommodation should not be moved at short notice, according to Social Democrats Spokesperson for Children Jennifer Whitmore. “Today, some 200 Ukrainian refugees are being moved from the Clondalkin hotel they have lived in […]

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Record homelessness figures highlight the human cost of Government inaction

Thousands of local authority homes lie empty as the number of people in emergency accommodation reaches another grim record The latest record homelessness figures further highlight the Government’s laissez-faire approach to tackling the housing crisis, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s Housing spokesperson, said: “With Christmas now just […]

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Latest Daft report paints a grim picture of rental market

Figures show Government’s housing plan is an abject failure The latest Daft report paints a grim picture of Ireland’s rental market and is further proof that the Government’s housing plan has failed, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s Housing spokesperson, said: “The latest Daft report is a stark […]

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Housing For All progress report shows that Government’s plan to build social and affordable homes is failing

Action, not vague promises of future housing delivery, is urgently needed  The Housing For All action plan update and Q3 progress report published today show that the Government is falling far behind on its delivery targets for social and affordable homes, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s Housing […]

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Homelessness figures a direct result of failed housing policy

The latest homelessness figures are a shocking indictment of the Government’s failure to deliver social and affordable homes The latest homelessness figures highlight the Government’s failure to deliver on social and affordable housing, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s Housing spokesperson, said: “Figures released today show the highest […]

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Latest Damning Report Into An Bord Pleanála Must Be Published

The problems in An Bord Pleanála extend much further than allegations concerning just one board member A new report into further planning issues at An Bord Pleanála must be published in full and identify those involved in breaches of procedure, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan was commenting after the Irish […]

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Government Must Reveal How Much An Bord Pleanála Shambles Will Cost

We need answers about how much this mess is likely to cost taxpayers  The chaos engulfing An Bord Pleanála is costing the State dearly as fees for delays and legal challenges soar, according to Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy. “Today, the Irish Independent reported An Bord Pleanála (ABP) has paid out more than €1 million […]

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Children’s Minister must explain debacle with Ukrainian refugees in Kerry

There appears to be chaos in Minister O’Gorman’s Department The Children’s Minister must explain why 135 Ukrainian refugees were put through the anxiety and stress of being told their lives were being uprooted – only for the decision to be reversed at the last moment, according to Social Democrats Children’s Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “A group […]

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Cllr Joan Hopkins secures support for motion on Fingal apprenticeships

Fingal County Council has been instructed to run an apprenticeship scheme to improve the number of badly needed skilled tradespeople in the county. The scheme was proposed in a motion in the name of Social Democrats councillor Joan Hopkins, who was unanimously supported by her fellow council members at their most recent meeting. Cllr Hopkins […]

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Upbeat Response Of An Bord Pleanála To Damning OPR Report Is Concerning

Criticism of ABP should not allow this government, and previous governments, to escape censure for this debacle The upbeat appraisal of An Bord Pleanála to a devastating critique from the Office of the Planning Regulator is bizarre and concerning, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “The report from the Office of the Planning […]

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Government Must Explain Why It Is Bankrolling Investment Funds’ Developments

This deal typifies everything that is wrong with the government’s approach to housing The government must explain why State resources are being used to bankroll developments for investment funds, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan commented after it was revealed that Home Building Finance Ireland (HBFI) is financing the construction of […]

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47% increase in child homelessness requires an emergency response

Alarming growth in the number of people homeless requires an emergency response The latest homelessness figures released today demand no less than an emergency response from the Government, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan, who is the party’s Housing spokesperson, said: “The latest figures reveal that there are now 3,220 children homeless […]

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Vacant Homes Tax is too weak to work

New measure will encourage dereliction The new Vacant Homes Tax has been set far too low, according to the Social Democrats Housing spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. Commenting on Budget 2023, Deputy O’Callaghan said: “The new Vacant Homes Tax is too weak to work. This tax must be set at a much higher rate to bring vacant […]

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