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Time to expel the Israeli Ambassador

It is time to expel the Israeli ambassador, according to Social Democrats Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, said: “Israel is an apartheid state engaged in a brutal assault of Gaza, the most densely packed internment camp in the world. More than 230 people have already been killed in this bombardment, the majority of […]

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Finance Minister accepts Fine Gael has failed renters

Mr Donohoe, and his party, have had a long time to resolve the housing crisis and have utterly failed Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe has accepted that more than ten years of Fine Gael housing policy has done nothing to reduce rents across the country, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. “Speaking on RTE’s Morning […]

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Housing measures are too weak and won’t work

The Government is happy to condemn those, who live in urban centres, to a lifetime of rent The proposals brought to cabinet to deal with cuckoo funds bulk-buying homes are weak and will prove ineffective. The proposed planning rules won’t take effect for a number of years while the stamp duty changes do not go […]

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Cyberattack on the HSE is a harbinger of things to come

Communications Minister missing in action as the State comes under attack The cyberattack on the HSE is a harbinger of things to come as threats to national security and our critical infrastructure move online, according to Social Democrats TD, and Defence Spokesperson, Gary Gannon. “When this attack was first detected, Micheál Martin stated the government […]

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Delay banning cuckoo funds costs €53m in lost property every week

Ordinary buyers’ dreams of home-ownership are being bulldozed by cuckoo funds with bottomless pockets Every day the government delays banning cuckoo funds from bulk-buying residential homes, millions of euro of property is taken out of the reach of ordinary buyers, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. “Cuckoo funds are spending €53m a week […]

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Government relying on Opposition to fix housing debacle

The government should not have to rely on legislation, drafted by the Social Democrats, to fix our housing problems. That it does, tells its own story. The Social Democrats are bringing forward legislation to help end the practice of the State entering long-term leasing deals with developers and investment funds – instead of purchasing social […]

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Government’s €450k homes are not affordable

There is nothing affordable about a home that costs nearly half a million euro The government is more interested in providing a subsidy to developers than making homes genuinely affordable, according to Social Democrats Housing Spokesperson Cian O’Callaghan. Deputy O’Callaghan was reacting to media reports that the government has set a price cap of up […]

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Government’s Affordable Housing Bill will Increase House Prices

Last week in one day, in one town, one vulture fund bought up three times more homes than the government’s affordable scheme is going to deliver this year – across the entire country. Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien’s Affordable Housing Scheme shows Fianna Fáil is incapable of learning the lessons of history – the scheme is […]

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Evictions highlight the need to ban vulture funds

Cuckoo funds are swooping in and block buying new estates The threatened eviction of children with special needs from an apartment complex in Dublin is a shameful indictment of the government’s failed housing policy, according to Social Democrats TD Cian O’Callaghan. “The government lifted the ban on evictions today knowing the chaos it would cause. Currently, there […]

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Attack on planning laws have created a developers’ charter

Slashing building standards and undermining the planning process has not fixed the housing market. All it has achieved is greater dysfunction. Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall today introduced a Private Members Bill to the Dáil to overhaul planning laws which have become a developers’ charter under successive Ministers. “Planning laws have become a developer’s charter […]

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Planning laws have become a developers’ charter thanks to the intervention of successive Ministers

The SHD process has been a success at only one thing – boosting the value of developers’ sites, not housing stock Planning laws have become a developers’ charter thanks to the intervention of successive Ministers, according to Social Democrats co-leader Róisin Shortall, who has published legislation to restore quality and democracy to the planning process. […]

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SocDems commit to Youth Homeless Strategy

The Social Democrats today committed to a national Youth Homeless Strategy to make sure that young people are no longer left behind in the homeless crisis. The party’s political director and by-election candidate for Dublin Mid-West, Anne-Marie McNally said: “Young people are being severely impacted by the appalling homeless crisis with the number of homeless […]

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