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Shortall calls says government must take immediate action on CervicalCheck crisis

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD has said immediate steps must be taken to make sure that people affected by the CervicalCheck controversy receive prompt and appropriate treatment and supports, and to guarantee that there is full accountability for mishandling of diagnosis cases. Deputy Shortall said: “I welcome the proposed setting up of an independent […]

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Government inaction on GP crisis means medical card holders denied basic services

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD has strongly criticised Government inaction on the crisis in General Practice which means medical card patients are increasingly being refused access to basic GP services. Deputy Shortall said: “Today’s Sunday Business Post health feature clearly demonstrates that there is a very real crisis in General Practice where increasingly medical […]

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Movement on Sláintecare welcomed, but momentum must be maintained

In a reply to a Dáil question this week, the Minister for Health further set out his plans for the implementation of the Sláintecare report. Róisín Shortall TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats today welcomed the news that the Government have committed to the setting up of an implementation office for Sláintecare. Deputy Shortall said: […]

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No sense of urgency from Government about crisis in Health

According to Social Democrats co-leader, Róisín Shortall TD, “today’s shocking hospital waiting lists of 687,000 people are a new record and represent a huge failing on the part of Government.  Providing a decent health service where people can get timely treatment, on the basis of need, is a basic requirement of any civilised country.  Yet […]

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HSE computer glitch shows need for improved health technology systems

The HSE computer glitch which has potentially affected some 25,000 patients was an avoidable mistake that could have been caught earlier had the right systems been in place, the Social Democrats said today. Galway West candidate, Niall Ó Tuathail, who is a health reform adviser with the NHS, said: “This flaw was an avoidable mistake. […]

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Mix of private incentive with public interest in our health system creates ‘ungovernable twilight zone’

The mixing of private incentive and public interest at the heart of our health system creates an ungovernable twilight zone, Róisín Shortall TD will tell the MacGill Summer School tonight. Deputy Shortall chaired the cross-party Committee on the Future of Healthcare which recently produced a 10-year blueprint for reform of the health service, called Sláintecare […]

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Critical HSE audit shows deeply flawed public-private healthcare model

A critical HSE audit into financial practices at the National Maternity Hospital highlights everything that is wrong with our public-private healthcare model, according to Social Democrats TD Róisín Shortall. Deputy Shortall was commenting on a HSE audit which found that the publicly-funded National Maternity Hospital in Holles Street subsidised the cash flow of a semi-private […]

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Government must wake up to vast Home-Care shortages

The Government must immediately address the funding shortage in home-care if its late conversion to the Right to Home-Care is to be believed, said Social Democrats T.D. Róisín Shortall. In advance of the Dáil debate on the Nursing Home Support Scheme (Amendment) Bill 2016, Ms. Shortall said that services for older people have been neglected for […]

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