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The SocDems turn 5 this Weekend

The Social Democrats are this weekend marking their 5th anniversary, and the rapid growth of the Party since 2015. Co-leader, Róisín Shortall TD, said: “It has been an extraordinary first five years. We now have 24 public representatives and a party full of members with ambition, passion and a huge appetite to build on very […]

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People with disabilities and carers left high and dry – Holly Cairns TD

Social Democrats TD for Cork South West, Holly Cairns, today accused the Government of abdicating its responsibilities for people with disabilities by being overly reliant on the voluntary sector and family carers. At the Special Covid Committee this morning, representatives from the disability sector highlighted the many challenges for people with disabilities in our society […]

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Councillor calls for the immediate inclusion of Meath into the Midlands Engagement Process and Just Transition Fund.

Cllr Ronan Moore, Social Democrats, has called for the immediate inclusion of Meath into the Midlands Engagement Process, so that community, public, private or third-sector led organisations might retrospectively submit proposals under the €11m Just Transition Fund, which helps support training and sustainable employment opportunities for workers and families impacted by Ireland’s early exit from […]

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Anne-Marie McNally To Become Executive Director of the Housing Alliance

Anne-Marie McNally, Political Communications Director for the Social Democrats to join the Housing Alliance as Executive Director. “I am hugely excited to announce that I will take-up the role of Executive Director of the Housing Alliance commencing mid-July. I have worked in front line politics in Leinster House and locally in my own community, for […]

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Minister Donohoe must immediately backdate the payments to women excluded from TWSS because they were on maternity leave

Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon today called on Minister Donohoe to immediately backdate the payments to women excluded from TWSS because they were on maternity leave. Gary Gannon TD said: “As expected, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has found that the exclusion of women returning to work after maternity leave from the Temporary […]

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The Time has come for a 4-Day Working Week

New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern’s suggestion that employers consider a four-day working week has found favour with Kildare Cllr, Chris Pender. The measures are aimed at implementing flexible working options as a way to boost tourism and help employees address persistent work/life balance issues. “We’ve learned a lot as a result of the measures […]

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Child Psychologist needed on the National Public Health Emergency Team

Social Democrats TD and Spokesperson for Children Jennifer Whitmore has today called on the Minister for Children and the Minister for Health to include a child psychologist or child development expert on the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET). Deputy Whitmore says: “On NPHET there is a range of public health science experts tasked with […]

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How to vote: A Guide for First-Timers and Those Who Just Forgot

What you need to know to vote in General Election 2020 With Election 2020 happening this week, it’s easy to get lost in the election debate and forget the simple things, like how to actually cast your vote. We’re one of the only countries in the world that uses the PR-STV voting system, so there’s […]

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People are not Fools – SocDems launch Cost of Living Policy

The Social Democrats today launched their cost of living policy – Affordable Lives – which proposes a series of measures aimed at putting actual money back in people’s pockets in a very real way. The party says that while other parties promise tax cuts, any benefit of that is cancelled out by the ever-increasing cost […]

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Putting people with disabilities at the heart of all decisions

The Social Democrats today, 30th January, launched their disability policy which aims to promote and protect the rights, quality of life and independence of people with disabilities, addressing decades of under-prioritisation. The policy gets to the root of the problem and proposes good solutions at both a systemic and operational level, including provision for increased funding supports […]

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