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Sarah Durcan To Contest Dublin Bay South By-Election

In this by-election, the people of Dublin Bay South can send a powerful message The Dublin Bay South by-election is about housing and the quality of all of our lives as we emerge from lockdown, according to Social Democrats candidate Sarah Durcan. “This by-election is not only a referendum on this government, but on a […]

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Time to expel the Israeli Ambassador

It is time to expel the Israeli ambassador, according to Social Democrats Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, said: “Israel is an apartheid state engaged in a brutal assault of Gaza, the most densely packed internment camp in the world. More than 230 people have already been killed in this bombardment, the majority of […]

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Cyberattack on the HSE is a harbinger of things to come

Communications Minister missing in action as the State comes under attack The cyberattack on the HSE is a harbinger of things to come as threats to national security and our critical infrastructure move online, according to Social Democrats TD, and Defence Spokesperson, Gary Gannon. “When this attack was first detected, Micheál Martin stated the government […]

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Gaeltacht communities must not be abandoned

Gaeltacht communities must be supported until students can safely return to summer colleges, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. “Is cúis díomá go bhfuil fógartha inniu nach mbeadh daltaí ag teacht chun na Gaeltachta don dara uair as a chéile, toisc an Choróinvíris. Cé go dtuigeann muid na cúiseanna taobh thiar den gcinneadh seo, […]

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Government needs to show moral leadership by supporting vaccine TRIPS waiver

The Social Democrats have called on the Government to demonstrate moral leadership by backing the campaign for an intellectual property rights waiver on the production of vaccines. Holly Cairns TD, who is the party’s spokesperson for Social Justice, said: “While the Irish response to the devastating humanitarian crisis unfolding in India is welcome, the real […]

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Sex education should be factual – and facts don’t have an ethos

As recently as last month the Vatican stated the Catholic Church cannot bless same-sex unions as God “cannot bless sin” It is wrong for religious ethos to influence the content of relationships and sexuality education, according Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary Gannon, who was commenting on the publication of a new sexual education programme developed […]

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Ireland, and the EU, need to assist India with life-saving medical supplies

Future generations will wonder why, when vaccines for covid had been developed, did Western governments facilitate the deaths of so many people in developing countries. Ireland and the international community need to assist India with vital supplies of medicine and oxygen to prevent an unfolding human tragedy, according to Social Democrats TD, and Foreign Affairs […]

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OPW should open its buildings to increase provision of public toilets

There are just two public toilets in Dublin city centre – this is clearly an untenable situation for the summer months The OPW should open its public buildings to increase the provision of restroom facilities in Dublin city centre, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon TD. Deputy Gannon stated: “The inadequate provision of public […]

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Government must plug the State pension gap for long-term carers

The State pension system should be adjusted to ensure that long-term carers no longer fall through the cracks, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. The Dublin Central TD, who is the party’s spokesperson on Social Protection, said: “Too many carers are falling between the cracks in our pension system, not qualifying for either the […]

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Mitigation measures vital in keeping schools open

Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon today called on the Minister for Education to ensure that appropriate mitigation measures are taken so that schools can safely remain open. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s spokesperson for Education, said: “While the phased reopening of schools is something that we all wanted to see, the return to the […]

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Contingency and clear communication must be built into Leaving Certificate plan

Commenting on the Government’s confirmation of arrangements for this year’s Leaving Certificate examinations, Social Democrats spokesperson for Education, Gary Gannon TD, said: “The Government has failed this cohort of Leaving Certificate students who have endured high levels of stress and anxiety due to all the uncertainty surrounding this year’s exams. I welcome that the Minister […]

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