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Government must be more ambitious for Dublin’s future

A health-led, compassionate response to drug addiction is urgently required Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon has called for a health-led response to drug addiction in Dublin city centre. Deputy Gannon made his comments after TDs were allowed to make statements about Dublin in the Dáil today. “Today’s statements must be followed up with decisive action […]

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Survey paints bleak picture of transphobia and homophobia in our schools

Schools should be an inclusive, safe space for our students, yet the opposite is the case for many LGBTQ+ youth The Government must be more proactive in tackling the rise of transphobia and homophobia in our schools, Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon told the Dáil today. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s Education spokesperson, made […]

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Dáil statements on Dublin will help keep city on political agenda

Taoiseach’s Taskforce needed to drive positive change in the capital Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon has welcomed confirmation that statements on Dublin will be heard in the Dáil for the first time next Thursday (November 17), when he will renew his call for the establishment of a Taoiseach’s Taskforce on O’Connell Street. Deputy Gannon, who […]

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Incoming ‘Dublin’ Taoiseach must regain control of O’Connell Street

Government inaction will condemn O’Connell Street to an even bleaker future  Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon has called on Leo Varadkar to make the rejuvenation of O’Connell Street a priority when he takes over as Taoiseach later this year. Deputy Gannon, who represents Dublin Central, said: “Last week, the Taoiseach refused to commit to the […]

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Education Minister Must Explain Change in ‘Assessment of Need’ Process for Children With Disabilities

Principals and special education teachers are not qualified to diagnose disabilities or specific learning disabilitiesThe Minister for Education must confirm whether legal responsibility for assessing the educational needs, of children with additional needs, is being transferred to school principals, according to Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon was speaking after schools received an “information […]

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Overdue reform of licencing laws vital for night-time economy

Comprehensive transport plan also needed to ensure success of extended nightclub hours The long overdue reform of licencing laws will help protect livelihoods and provide a welcome boost for the night-time economy, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s Arts spokesperson, said: “Businesses dependent on late-night trade have struggled […]

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Prime Time report on O’Connell Street requires a Dáil response

Lack of leadership responsible for decline of Dublin city  Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon has called for statements to be made in the Dáil following the RTÉ Prime Time special on Dublin’s O’Connell Street last night. Deputy Gannon, who represents Dublin Central, said: “The deeply unflattering depiction of our capital’s main thoroughfare in the report […]

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Education Minister Must Apologise To Students For Junior Cert Delay

This unprecedented delay has caused a lot of worry and upset among students an their families Education Minister Norma Foley owes an apology to Junior Cert student for the unprecedented delay in releasing the Junior Cert results, according to Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary Gannon. “This morning, the State Examinations Commission announced that Junior Cert […]

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Gannon questions Education Minister on Junior Cert results delay

Delay calls into question the very relevance of Junior Cert exams Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon has expressed disappointment after the Minister for Education was unable to confirm a date for the Junior Certificate results. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s Education spokesperson, made his comments after raising the issue with Minister Norma Foley in […]

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Ongoing delay in issuing Junior Cert results now beyond a joke

Minister can no longer be a spectator to Junior Cert fiasco  The ongoing delay in issuing results for the Junior Certificate shows blatant disrespect towards the thousands of students who sat their exams in June, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s spokesperson on Education, said: “The students who […]

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Qualified Child Increase of €2 an insult to vulnerable families

Government is clearly not serious about ending child poverty  The Qualified Child Increase of €2 announced in yesterday’s budget has been described as shamefully inadequate by Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s spokesperson on Social Protection, said: “This miserly increase is an insult to vulnerable families and proves that this […]

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Families of second level students abandoned by Government

Budget decision to exclude secondary schools is baffling The families of second level students have been abandoned by the Government in today’s budget, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon TD. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s spokesperson on Education, said: “It is frankly baffling to see the exclusion of second level students from the […]

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Time to make education genuinely free

School-related costs putting household budgets under severe pressure Radical reform is required in next week’s budget to make education in Ireland genuinely free, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s spokesperson on Education, said: “Parents throughout the country know that the concept of free education is nothing more than […]

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Significant ambiguities in Government’s pension proposal

Immediate clarity needed from Minister on several issues There are significant ambiguities in the Government’s pension proposal that need to be addressed, according to Social Democrats Social Protection spokesperson Gary Gannon. “I welcome the introduction of flexibility in the pension system – with workers being given the option of retiring at 66 or up to […]

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