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Report’s findings a complete vindication of Women of Honour

Recommendations must now be implemented without delay The pattern of shameful behaviour identified in the report of the Independent Review Group on Dignity and Equality Issues in the Defence Forces must never be allowed happen again, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s spokesperson on Defence, said: “Today’s report […]

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Delay in finalising free schoolbook scheme could result in classroom chaos

Clarity on guidelines urgently needed to avoid risk of book shortages in classrooms in September The Minister for Education must immediately outline how the Government’s free books scheme for primary schools will operate to avoid classroom chaos next September, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s spokesperson on Education, […]

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Ireland must continue to offer unwavering support to the people of Ukraine

Putin’s despotic behaviour shows that we can no longer take peace for granted in Europe  Ireland must continue to offer unwavering support to those fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, according to Catherine Murphy, co-leader of the Social Democrats. Deputy Murphy, who will speak at today’s rally at the GPO in Dublin to mark the first […]

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Government must act urgently to reduce poverty levels

There are now more than 671,000 people living in poverty – over 188,000 of them children The sharp rise in the number of people living in poverty in Ireland highlights the increasing level of income inequality in this country, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. The at risk of poverty rate, as measured by […]

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Gannon calls for all-party committee on refugee integration

Committee could also create strategies to combat the rise of far-right groups Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon has called for the establishment of an emergency cross-party Oireachtas committee on refugee integration in response to recent protests targeting asylum seekers. “There is a complete information vacuum at the moment, which is being filled by misinformation peddled […]

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Gannon renews call for Taoiseach’s taskforce for O’Connell Street

Permission for supervised injecting facility is a positive first step in reclaiming and rejuvenating our capital city Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon has renewed his call for the establishment of a Taoiseach’s taskforce for O’Connell Street after a supervised injecting facility was recently granted planning permission in Dublin city centre. “The delivery of a medically […]

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Government’s divestment programme for primary schools is not working

An education system that is beholden to the teachings of the Catholic church no longer has a place in a modern, secular society The Government’s programme to divest schools from Catholic church patronage is proceeding too slowly and is simply not working, according to Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon. Deputy Gannon, who is the party’s […]

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Tánaiste’s Comments Mean Teacher Career Break Proposal Is Dead In The Water

Will the Minister now take on board the Social Democrats’ 11 proposals to deal with recruitment crisis in our schools?  Comments made by Tánaiste Leo Varadkar in the Dáil today add another bizarre twist to the Government’s botched response to the teacher recruitment crisis, according to Social Democrats Education Spokesperson Gary Gannon. “In response to […]

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War on drugs is essentially a war on poverty

Nobody can successfully argue that criminalising addicts is the way forward The so-called war on drugs is essentially a war on poverty, Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon told the Dáil today. “We’ve known for a long time that a law-and-order response to drug addiction is harmful and counterintuitive. But this Government has so far continued […]

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Minister must ensure that Junior Cert debacle is never repeated

Students finally receive their results – six months after sitting their exams Social Democrats TD Gary Gannon has congratulated students on finally receiving their Junior Cert results today, but called on the Minister for Education to provide assurances that the long delays in correcting this year’s exams will never happen again. Deputy Gannon, who is […]

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