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Historic first as Cllr Catherine Stocker to take full maternity leave from Dublin City Council under new legislation

Karl Stanley to be appointed substitute councillor for next six months Social Democrats councillor Catherine Stocker is to become the first public representative to assign a temporary substitute to her seat while she takes maternity leave under new legislation aimed at elected members of local authorities. Cllr Stocker, who represents the North Central Area on […]

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Statement in relation to the resignation of Galway City Cllr. Owen Hanley

Statement in relation to the resignation of Galway City Cllr. Owen Hanley Owen Hanley has resigned from Galway City Council after certain allegations were made on social media in recent days. The Party believes it is appropriate that Mr Hanley has resigned and these allegations are thoroughly investigated. When the Party first learned of allegations, […]

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Cllr. Elisa O’Donovan Re-Joins Social Democrats

This is further evidence that the party in Limerick, and elsewhere, is continuing to grow Social Democrats co-leaders Catherine Murphy and Róisín Shortall have welcomed the decision of Limerick City West councillor Elisa O’Donovan to re-join the party. Cllr O’Donovan said: “I am delighted to be ‘coming home’ to the Social Democrats, having been elected […]

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Large Trawlers Fishing Inshore Hugely Concerning

This development will have an immediate negative impact on the ecosystem of our coast The decision of the Court of Appeal to allow large trawlers fish in Ireland’s inshore waters is deeply disappointing and hugely worrying, according to Social Democrats Fisheries Spokesperson Holly Cairns. A Department of the Marine Policy Directive, which banned large trawlers […]

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Outdated and unfair Council funding model needs urgent overhaul

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.8″ custom_margin=”0px|0px|0px|0px” custom_padding=”0px|0px|0px|0px”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.8″][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”excerpt” disabled_on=”on|on|on” _builder_version=”3.9″ disabled=”on”] The Social Democrats today branded the country’s local authority funding system as outdated and deeply unfair to people living in councils with rapidly growing populations. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”” align=”center” disabled_on=”off|off|off” _builder_version=”3.9″ max_width=”84%”]   [/et_pb_image][et_pb_text admin_label=”Body Text” _builder_version=”3.9″ ul_font_size=”18px” ul_line_height=”1.7em” ol_font_size=”18px” ol_line_height=”1.7em”] “Communities can rightly ask […]

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