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Citizens’ Assembly Report on Biodiversity Loss Must Be A Watershed Moment

Politicians, from every party, must also stop talking out of both sides of their mouths The report of the Citizens’ Assembly on biodiversity loss must be a watershed moment that forces the State to take protective action, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “The report of the Citizens’ Assembly is stark – but hopeful. To […]

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Government Failing Miserably To Reach Retrofit Targets

The government must stop misrepresenting figures and patting itself on the back for failure The Government is failing miserably to achieve its own retrofitting targets, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore was speaking after the SEAI published its Home Energy Upgrades 2022 annual report. “The SEAI published its 2022 report today […]

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Electric Vehicle Grant Scheme For Rural Ireland Required

People in rural areas are more reliant on their cars and make longer journeys A new grant scheme to help motorists in rural Ireland buy electric vehicles should be rolled out, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “There is currently a grant of up to €5,000 available for those who purchase an electric […]

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ESB Windfall Profits Must Be Ring-Fenced For Those In Energy Poverty

This is an obscene amount of profit for the ESB when so many of its customers are living in penury. The government must ring-fence windfall profits in ESB to support the hundreds and thousands of people now living in energy poverty, according to Social Democrats Energy Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore said: “I attended a […]

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Holly Cairns’ first speech as Leader of the Social Democrats

This week, Holly Cairns was officially announced as Leader of the Social Democrats in front of a room packed with family, friends and members of the Party in The Tara Building, in Dublin city centre. In her opening address to members as Leader, she said: How on earth did I get here? That’s a question […]

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Government must pull the plug on Coillte deal

Partnership with UK investment firm highlights serious flaws in Government’s approach to forestry policy and climate action The Government must immediately intervene to scrap the controversial deal between Coillte and a UK-based investment firm, according to Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore, who is the party’s spokesperson on Climate and Biodiversity, said: “The partnership […]

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ESB should postpone price hike for public EV charging points

Latest increase will further erode benefits of owning an electric car  Massive price increases due to come into effect tomorrow for electric vehicle charging points on the public network are a further setback for Ireland’s climate ambitions, according to Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore, who is the party’s spokesperson on Climate and Biodiversity, said: […]

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No room for complacency, despite COP27 agreement on loss and damage fund

Minister needs to redouble efforts to achieve carbon reduction targets The agreement reached on a loss and damage fund for poorer countries at COP27 should not distract the Government from its climate change responsibilities, according to Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore, who is the party’s spokesperson on Climate and Biodiversity, said: “Minister Eamon […]

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Finance Minister Should Remove VAT From Solar Panels

VAT could be removed in an amendment to the Finance Bill, which is currently before the Dáil The government should ‘green’ our VAT rates and remove VAT from solar panels and their installation, according to Social Democrats Climate Spokesperson Jennifer Whitmore. “Earlier this year, the EU clarified that a zero VAT rating can apply to […]

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Windfall tax funds must be targeted at vulnerable households

Government clampdown on energy companies’ profits is welcome but overdue Funds generated through a windfall tax on energy companies must be targeted at vulnerable households most at risk from fuel poverty, according to Social Democrats TD Jennifer Whitmore. Deputy Whitmore, who is the party’s spokesperson on Climate and Biodiversity, said: “The Social Democrats have always […]

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