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Future of Eurozone under threat if debt burden foisted on member states

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy has told the Dáil that the response to the Covid crisis at EU level cannot be similar to the response to economic crash in 2008 which led to extreme austerity for some member states, including Ireland.  She said that all member states would have to appreciate the scale of the problem […]

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Social Democrats parliamentary party meets for the first time

The new Social Democrats Parliamentary Party met for the first time this morning in Dublin in advance of the Dáil resuming next week. The 6 newly elected deputies held a press conference at the gates of Leinster House where party co-leaders Róisín Shortall and Catherine Murphy welcomed the party’s 4 first time TDs to the […]

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SocDems LGBTI+ Policy: Bringing hope and building trust

The Social Democrats policy document LGBTI+ Justice and Equality will be launched in Limerick today by General Election candidate Jenny Blake. Jenny, who played a key role in the Marriage Equality campaign in Limerick in 2015, said, “I joined the Social Democrats because I see it as the party that has the most empathy and […]

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Renters’ Charter promises security of cost and tenure for renter

The Social Democrats today set out detailed proposals for a Renters’ Charter to protect tenants and make sure that the rental sector provides affordable and secure homes. The party said that a strong rental sector is a vital part of an overall housing strategy, particularly as one in five people are now renting. Rents and […]

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It’s time to shout stop, and rebuild our rural communities

This morning, Monday 3rd February, at an organic farm on the Turkshead Peninsula, Cllr Holly Cairns, the Social Democrats Spokesperson on Agriculture and Cork South West General Election candidate, launches the Party’s policy document ‘Building Sustainable Rural Communities.’ Cllr. Holly Cairns said: “For too long, rural development has been framed as some sort of urban […]

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Greener AND Fairer – SocDems Climate Policy balances both

The Social Democrats have today launched their ‘Greener and Fairer’ Climate Policy with wide-ranging proposals to address what they describe as the fundamental issue facing our country and our planet. The party says that creating a sustainable society requires everyone to play their part but at the same time it is important to ensure that too […]

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Making History: women stepping up to change Ireland

Making History: women stepping up to change Ireland The Social Democrats have made history by having the largest ever percentage of female candidates declared for a General Election in Ireland. As a significant political party in the Irish system, they are unique in fielding a slate in GE2020 which features a gender split of 55% female and […]

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Honest politics – ending political slush funds & ensuring accountability

The Social Democrats will today launch a policy document called ‘Honest Politics – Restoring trust in politics and public life’. The proposals contained in the document aim to tackle corruption in Irish political and public life with an emphasis on strengthening transparency in decision-making processes. The party says public monies and resources are too often […]

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Making housing affordable and eradicating the scandal of homelessness

The Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy today launches the Party’s housing manifesto for the general election. Called ‘Homes within Reach: Making housing available, making housing affordable’ the manifesto outlines a comprehensive plan to radically rethink public policy to address the housing crisis Ireland faces. Speaking ahead of the launch, Catherine Murphy said: “The key focus in our […]

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