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Rates waiver should not impact on local services

Catherine Murphy TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, has called on the Government to ensure that the extension of the commercial rates waiver until the end of September will not impact on the ability of local authorities to provide essential services. Deputy Murphy said: “Many businesses impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic were able to avail […]

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Catherine Murphy TD reacts to stimulus package

Catherine Murphy TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, has said that the €5 billion stimulus package announced this afternoon by the Government must be about putting money into cash registers and into the pockets of those who need it most and will spend it in the short-term. Deputy Murphy said: “While there are positive measures […]

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Social Democrats announce spokespeople for 33rd Dáil

The Social Democrats have today announced spokesperson roles for the 33rd Dáil. Co-leader Catherine Murphy said: “In announcing our spokesperson roles today, I am confirming that the Social Democrats will continue to work as we did in the last Dáil – by being constructive and practical but also by not being afraid to ask the tough […]

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The SocDems turn 5 this Weekend

The Social Democrats are this weekend marking their 5th anniversary, and the rapid growth of the Party since 2015. Co-leader, Róisín Shortall TD, said: “It has been an extraordinary first five years. We now have 24 public representatives and a party full of members with ambition, passion and a huge appetite to build on very […]

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SocDems Dáil Motion seeks to provide fairness for all workers

The Social Democrats today publish the motion on Workers’ Rights that they will bring forward in their first Private Members’ time in the 33rd Dáil. The motion will be debated on Wednesday, July 15, at 8pm. The motion aims to increase protection for workers across a range of areas, including low-pay, precarious work, collective bargaining […]

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Moving in the right direction on the Kildare Greenways

The co-leader of the Social Democrats and TD for Kildare North, Catherine Murphy, has welcomed the National Transport Authority (NTA) progress report on the Royal Canal and Grand Canal Greenways. In response to a Parliamentary Question tabled by Deputy Murphy, the NTA outlined that works on all Dublin City sections of the Royal Canal are […]

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Government needs to learn lessons from nursing home tragedies

The co-leader of the Social Democrats, Catherine Murphy TD, today called on the Taoiseach to outline how prepared the Government was to deal with a second wave of Covid-19, should it occur, in the nursing home sector. Speaking in the Dáil during Leaders’ Questions, Deputy Murphy said: “We now know from the numbers of clusters […]

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Urgent legislation needed to protect workers following yesterday’s High Court ruling

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy has described yesterday’s High Court ruling on employment rights as deeply disturbing and says it leaves many lower paid workers vulnerable and opens up the possibility for previously hard fought for pay and conditions achieved through collective bargaining to be rescinded by some employers on foot of this ruling. Catherine […]

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