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Vote on CETA deal must be postponed

The Social Democrats are calling for tomorrow’s vote on CETA (Comprehensive European Trade Agreement) to be postponed. Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy said: “We have huge concerns about CETA, particularly around the Investor-State Dispute Settlement, or ISDS. This effectively lays out a platform for corporations to sue national governments for creating policies that might negatively affect the corporation’s […]

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Government needs to act on recommendations of Hamilton Review

The Social Democrats have given a cautious welcome to a report from a review group, led by retired judge James Hamilton. The Hamilton Review contains 25 recommendations and aims to tackle white collar crime in a far more uniform way. The challenge now for Government is to adopt and implement these recommendations. Social Democrats Justice spokesperson, […]

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Minister’s Dáil statement highlights necessity for referendum on judicial reform

Today’s Dáil statement by the Minister for Justice on the circumstances of Seamus Woulfe’s appointment to the Supreme Court highlights the necessity for a constitutional referendum on judicial reform, according to Catherine Murphy TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats. Deputy Murphy, who is the party’s spokesperson for Justice, said: “It is regrettable that we are […]

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Budget 2021 avoids the investment required in public services and the economy

Covid-19 has refocused people’s priorities – but this was not factored into Budget 2021 Speaking in the Dáil today, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD said that Budget 2021 underinvests in public services and the economy. Deputy Murphy stated: “The budget ignores the fact that Covid has focused public priorities on public services, particularly around health and […]

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Deeply concerning that tracing system is on verge of collapse

As we arrive at a point of national crisis in our fight against Covid-19, it is deeply concerning that our contact tracing system is on the verge of collapse, Catherine Murphy TD, co-leader of the Social Democrats, told the Dáil today. Deputy Murphy said: “In recent days, Dr Anne Dee, a consultant in public health […]

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Government must take opportunity to eliminate consistent child poverty

The Social Democrats will bring a Private Members’ Motion before the Dáil tomorrow, Wednesday, September 30, calling on the Government to set an ambitious target for the elimination of consistent child poverty in Ireland by 2025. Jennifer Whitmore TD, the party’s spokesperson for Children, said: “Our motion calls on the Government to firmly state that […]

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