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State is failing growing numbers of homeless families – Catherine Murphy TD

The Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy is seriously failing homeless families, Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said. Deputy Murphy was speaking after the release today of Department of Housing figures which show that the number of families living in emergency accommodation increased by 222 from January to February of this year. The figures […]

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Renters being priced out of Dublin into commuter counties – but services and infrastructure lag behind

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD said renters are being priced out of Dublin into commuter counties – but without proper infrastructure supports being put in place. Deputy Murphy was commenting on today’s figures from the Residential Tenancies Board which show that in the four counties of Dublin, Kildare, Meath and Wicklow, the average rent […]

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Taoiseach’s lead role in Garda crime PR campaign is jaw-dropping

The Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has described as ‘jaw-dropping’ reports today about the Taoiseach’s lead role in a planned major public relations campaign around Garda crime statistics. The Kildare North TD was reacting to a report on RTÉ’s This Week programme that the Taoiseach last year suggested a PR campaign in relation to […]

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Social Democrats Strongly Oppose Hypocritical Move to Invite Trump to Ireland

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar’s invitation to US President Donald Trump to visit Ireland is a betrayal of Irish values, the Social Democrats said today. The party’s co-leader Róisín Shortall TD said: “The Taoiseach‘s decision to invite President Trump to Ireland is a betrayal of the values that Irish people hold dear. President Trump is an aggressive […]

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Recycling charges entirely counterproductive

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said the decision by Ireland’s largest waste company Panda to introduce charges for recycling is a significant retrograde step which will have far reaching consequences for Ireland’s overall environmental policy. Deputy Murphy said it was likely that other waste providers would follow Panda in charging for recycling waste […]

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Women’s Day highlights need to support Repeal referendum

On International Women’s Day, the co-leaders of the Social Democrats, Róisín Shortall TD and Catherine Murphy TD, have raised the need for more women to be involved in politics and urged people to support the referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment. Deputy Shortall said: “International Women’s Day is an important occasion to celebrate women’s many […]

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Senior civil servants must answer questions before PAC on SCU

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has today called for senior civil servants Martin Fraser and Robert Watt to appear before the Public Accounts Committee to answer questions about the operation of the Strategic Communications Unit. Deputy Murphy, who is a member of the PAC, said: “An alarming aspect of the work of the SCU […]

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Government must wake up to public perceptions of widespread corruption

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy TD has said the government needs to wake up to the disturbing findings of a new poll that shows more than two thirds of people consider the problem of corruption to be widespread in Ireland. Deputy Murphy was commenting on the latest Eurobarometer public opinion survey by the European Commission […]

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Taoiseach must publish details of instructions given to regional press for Ireland 2040 advertisements

The Social Democrats have called on the Taoiseach to publish instructions given by officials to agencies which placed Ireland 2040 advertisements in local and regional newspapers which look like news coverage. The party’s co-leader Catherine Murphy TD said: “The Taoiseach needs to publish exactly what instructions were given by the Strategic Communications Unit to Mediaforce […]

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