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Catherine Murphy TD has said it is hugely frustrating that the FAI approached today’s hearing with a strategy to avoid questions rather than try to bring clarity to the key issues and concerns.

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“Sport Ireland can not have taken much comfort from the little information which I & other Committee members did manage to elicit including the fact that only three members of the Board knew of the loan when it happened.”

Catherine Murphy TD has said it is hugely frustrating that the FAI approached today’s hearing with a strategy to avoid questions rather than try to bring clarity to the key issues and concerns.

Deputy Murphy said the committee members were already under stringent orders to exercise caution regarding the kind of questioning that would or would not be allowed but that situation was exacerbated by the Executive Vice-President John Delaney issuing a statement at the commencemnt of the hearing this morning stating that he would absolutely not answer any questions regarding the issue of the €100k loan.

“Sport Ireland can not have taken much comfort from the little information which I & other Committee members did manage to elicit including the fact that only three members of the Board knew of the loan when it happened.”

“Any organisation in receipt of public funds must be prepared to answer relevant questions when they arise and if they refuse to do so there must be repercussions. The conditions under which the Sport Ireland grant is to be restored will require significant consideration.”

10th April 2019



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