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Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall TD to-leader welcomes tonights Brexit deal but cautions against premature optimism given the political instability caused by the deal in the UK

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“This step in reaching an agreement is very welcome progress. However, it would be naïve to ignore the political realities facing the deal in the current political environment of the UK.”

The Social Democrats have tonight welcomed the progress on Brexit but cautioned against premature optimism given the political instability caused by the deal in the UK.

Co-Leader Róisín Shortall singled out Michel Barnier, in particular, for praise, recognising the efforts it took to bring all parties to an agreement. However, she said the political obstacles in the UK for tonight’s deal mean it will be an uphill struggle to bring it through the UK Parliament and as a result it must be acknowledged that tonight’s progress may be short-lived given the hurdles yet to be gone through to finalise the agreement.

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall tonight said:
“This step in reaching an agreement is very welcome progress, however it would be naïve to ignore the political realities facing the deal in the current political environment of the UK.  We need to continue to prepare for all outcomes, given the vital importance of protecting Irish interests and the future of the relationships on the island and between the islands.”


14th November 2018


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