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The Social Democrats today challenged Fine Gael to spell out how it would tackle under-funding in essential public services while committing to fresh tax cuts.

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“The country is facing enormous challenges due to the chronic under-funding of essential public services and infrastructure that benefit everyone.”

The Social Democrats today challenged Fine Gael to spell out how it would tackle under-funding in essential public services while committing to fresh tax cuts.

Party co-leader Catherine Murphy TD said:

“The country is facing enormous challenges due to the chronic under-funding of essential public services and infrastructure that benefit everyone. How exactly does Fine Gael propose to provide for the one million people on waiting lists for health services, or the 10,000 people who are homeless, or the thousands of tenants facing spiraling monthly rent costs?

“There are funding crises in education and in childcare, as well as serious climate challenges. Instead of facing squarely up to these issues, Fine Gael is out to buy votes by promising tax cuts to some workers, who will continue to face the same difficulties when it comes to affordable housing, decent childcare and dependable health services.

“The public finances face unprecedented threats from Brexit and investing now to tackle the enormous pressures facing our economy and society would be public money well spent.”


18th November 2018


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